Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wajir: Know Your County Executive Committee Members

As Wajirians, we have had the opportunity to experience firsthand the "ins","outs", and frustrations of our county government.  We acknowledge that some county personnel and employees do a terrific job with the tools and conditions they work under. Unfortunate6ly, there are departments and individuals within the county system that need to be scrutinized for their public relations, accountability to their function, personal and professional integrity and management style.

There has been too much wrangling going on, too many defensive discussions, and not enough collaborating together.

Now lets us know about our County Executive Committee Members. List their names and profile and rank them according to their performance. That can be done in the comments section here under but observe restraint, maturity and respect for all.

About the author of Sobbing Somali

My photo
Wajir, Northeastern, Kenya
Abdullahi Jamaa is a Kenyan freelance journalist with reporting experience especially from the devastated Horn of Africa region. You can contact him by emailing: abdullahijamac@yahoo.co.uk