Friday, January 21, 2011

The Koreans have started killing the Somalis

In an attempt to free a commercial oil tanker (ship), the South Korean military have murdered in cold blood several Somali pirates on Friday.

There is no law in heaven and in earth that allows the Koreans to murder Somali pirates whatsoever in their own waters. There is no law in my mind and in the minds of common people that allow the killing of criminal suspects in anyway.

The Koreans are aggressors who have not learnt lessons from the infamous 1993 Mogadishu battle. They have started to interfere and kill the civilians of Somalis who are protecting their waters from the growing cartel of illegal fishers.

This is an indication that confirms to us that even the EU Naval force in the Somali waters are all killing and maiming Somali pirates…they have never admitted to killing a single pirate and they will never admit it.

The Koreans have killed several in only one day and only God knows how many Somali pirates have been murdered inside the Waters over the past few years.


  1. Do you know what is like to be chased by these primitives with guns? Hope they kill as many pirates as they can to discourage the acts of piracy. Well done soldiers !!

  2. I am a merchant navy officer. We are neutral beings to all countries and their politics, we bring cargo that is essential to the basic civilian of every country, we are not armed and pose no threat to no one then why do pirates hunt us and want to make money from threatening us for no reason. I say kill every Somali pirate who bears arms. Long live the Men and Women of the Naval forces of the world who protect us and may God save Somalia.


About the author of Sobbing Somali

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Wajir, Northeastern, Kenya
Abdullahi Jamaa is a Kenyan freelance journalist with reporting experience especially from the devastated Horn of Africa region. You can contact him by emailing: